"The grass was never green.
There was never purity.
Some say it's all over... stupid fucking jaded burnouts.
Young ones: carry on. Destroy and annoy.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Fuck The Glory Days!
We don't care what you think.
We don't care what you say.
You don't get to decide It's ours.
Go Away. Shut up."
i'm nervous, and terrified, and i just want this over with. i want to be comfortable, with being out of my comfort zone.
also, i lied. i've never felt that 'sizzle' because i've never felt that. i've never done, and i'm jealous. i just want it over with, so i can stop being on edge with that conversation, and maybe that sizzle will be something i know.
but how do i make that happen, when i can't even look them in the eye
you know how i know that i'm no good at relationships?
i can only interact, be my self, and flirt with boys i know i'll never see again.
they're what clicks,
but hey, bright side - i'll always have a future in prostitution.