
help me Scream again

I completely discourage the idea that material gain equates happiness,

and I'm somewhat opposed to the commercial worship of the holidays,

but sometimes,

every once in a while,

receiving isn't so bad.

Happy Holidays :)


...if it keeps you around then i'm down

test message relationships suck. happy birthday happy christmas. forget me, it'll just be easier this way you hold me down.


So, so you think you can tell.

I miss my best friend. I wish you were here. no, I wish I was there. happy almost birthday, I'm sorry I can't do better than snapshots of this life after you. would you like it? freeze, love 13.


Imitation is suicide.

"You know, when I heard you were coming back I thought that I might hate you", we both laugh it off, both knowing you're being malicious, both knowing I'm weak and horribly reliant and disgusted with myself. But this is my open letter to you. I'm tired of your bullshit. The subtle condescending comments paired with the "oh aren't I darling" looks won't fly with me anymore. You've stereotyped yourself in to a corner and you're cementing yourself in; I won't chisel you out. I get the fact that you think it's cute, and that you think I'll put up with it. You are wrong. The racist, homophobic, brainlessly nationalistic remarks are thrown out haphazardly now-- toeing my limits with a jacked up chevy-- honey, I'm reinforcing that line with barbed wire. The paint job won't come out the same. Daddy won't be proud, and the rest of us will be on the road soon. I've realized a lot of things lately, this education thing works sometimes when you accept it. I'll bust my ass and look ridiculous now, but I'll get somewhere, and I'll have done it without scamming people for favors. I'll be able to stand on my own two feet, will you be able to say that? 109 days. Advance on Chaos and the Dark.


Sounds like somebody's sheering.

Rant. I'm tired and pissed ; I hope you know what you did, And I hope we don't make up. I'm done being used and pathetic. And I hope your "friends" realize they're just accessories to your image; - - however feeble and fabricated it is. I won't make you eclectic anymore. 1790/2400 It may not be golden, but it makes me better than you. Something that you've never taken the time to see, I'm not a fluke in the system. Being vindictive and bitter is never attractive, but God sometimes it feels so damn good. 115 days See what I'm saying?