
Good synonyms for lonliness are hard to come by, antonyms are worse.

Lonliness smells like cold leather, sounds like a quiet bass rhythm through tinny speakers, looks like the brutal glow of a TV screen in a pitch dark room, tastes like flat generic diet soda. Lonliness lives under flourescent lighting, quivers and cowers from bodyheat, sends cold air arteries down raised neck hairs, and ghosts past every sensitive nerve and dialated pupil. dry still eyes stuck open, on echoing skull cavities, chest cavities, Inverted Heartache. Hypersensitive eardrums send shivers through shallow sinus systems. Portraits of solitude leave grease stains on cheap printed placemats. Edward Hopper never felt so obsolete. Cynicism is a palisade not so easily removed, and sometimes 2012 can't come too soon. But I guess the world had better end before the expiry of social security, either way I'll never be eligible.

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