
That guy asked for our help. We lit him on fire.

There's something about the ocean that the swimming pools or river can't replace. I mean, laying in the sun with sea-salt drying on your skin is one of the top 5 best feelings in the world, and chlorine just doesn't dry in the same patterns, or work the same way. Being shut out isn't always so bad in good company, but dragonflys are friendlier than panic attacks and being sweat-drenched never really improves the mood. The 'open sesame' is always so simple too. 4-5-3 is only one out of 125, but jumping the gate is only something someone with guts would do and I don't have enough for the both of us. But I don't have too many options for who laughs at the inside with me, cause all my amigos have instant access, I haven't yet been able to find my ticket, and there are only so many 'bring one friend' passes. I guess that it's a nice break though, 'cause Cabin Fever's taking over. - making me think that maybe at this point I'm going through momentary insanity; 'Cause flickering flourescent bulbs in carbon-copy hallways are looking like home, unfriendly and maybe a little cold, but home. And I'm thinking that this may not be the last. I'm just keeping my options open.

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