
Desperate Change Theory

Nothing else is changing so I'll be psyched at this. "Nothing"s gonna change my world. Seven weeks is an eternity, and not the good kind. Cystallized skies blankets cotton air, and yellow paint splatters on plastic. Did I even wake up today? If tomorrow's Thursday I'll be pissed. Though I've got to say, if sleepwalk days all turn out this good, then I don't think I'll ever wake up again. But how is it that I've never noticed something this monumental before? Twice a year and it barely shook me, and I'm feeling it everywhere now; it affects everything, seasonal or not. And my body's fucking up like, bad; days like this would be so much better, if it weren't for my brains exploding from my skull. I'm hoping that it's just a breakdown, cause I can't keep living in a daze like this. 145 days left

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